Zeolite Clinoptilolite is a mineral of volcanic origin and is probably the most powerful natural binding agent for heavy metals, radioactive substances and other toxins, alongside high-quality chlorella and a diet rich in fruit and fresh vegetables.

The volcanic mineral Zeolite Clinoptilolite was formed millions of years ago when glowing lava ash poured into the pure primaeval oceans. A truly alchemical fusion of water and fire took place which formed this special rock. Its unique crystal lattice structure contains clear crystal water, enriched with over 30 different minerals and trace elements in colloidal form.
Over the last hundred years, we humans have polluted our earth in ways never seen before. This ever-increasing environmental poisoning is accumulating more and more in people's bodies and health experts now recommend lifelong detoxification as the only alternative. The extraordinary ability of zeolite to bind heavy metals, radioactive substances or pesticides such as glyphosate is becoming more and more important and has an inestimable value for mankind.
That's why my favourite products are Lava Vitae from Austria. There are several fantastic items, but my absolute favourite is Lava Pure. This one is available in powder and capsule form.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me at hello@agashealth.com

For Lava Pure, the physical properties of the volcanic mineral zeolite are significantly enhanced by a patented preparation process. The PMA technology provides an enormous surface enlargement of the microcrystal and thus an intensified ion exchange in the body. Its attraction for pollutants and its ability to release minerals are significantly increased and go far beyond the properties of the raw material. To further enhance its effect, Lava Pure 10% dolomite is added. This rock flour contains the bulk elements magnesium and calcium in an excellent ratio. This optimises the mineral balance and also leads to a further improvement in the exchange properties of the volcanic mineral.
During heavy metal poisoning, the toxins in the body, especially in the intestines, are bound and excreted thanks to zeolite. This also happens with those toxins which are accumulated in small hollows and branches of the intestines.
These include lead, cadmium, mercury, nickel, arsenic, tellurium, and chromium, as well as radioactive substances, preservatives, dyes or residues of toxic drugs.
The greatest threat to human health comes from persistent "old" metals that remain in the body for extended periods. Over time, more and more layers accumulate, with heavy metals effectively poisoning our bodies. As the years pass, these toxic metals oxidise, leading to tissue and cell damage, which in turn causes inflammation and deterioration. They can affect any system or organ, including the kidneys, brain, pancreas, liver, and heart.
The Volcanic Mineral Zeolite Clinoptilolite in combination with certified and cultivated in a clean environment bio chlorella will always be one of the best supports with very visible effects on the way of detoxifying the body to extract toxins and heavy metals accumulated in its deep layers, which damage the entire body from head to toe.

95% of the biochemical reactions in our body are directed through minerals. The human body is not able to produce them on its own, so we need to consume them with healthy food. We need at least 65 of them every day.
Lavavitae - "Vita Pure" - "For Healthcare Professionals", a summary of the course of the study and an explanation of the mechanism of action and the intended effect.
This article is informative - educational only.
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