An important part of today's life is health and nutrition awareness. This kind of mindset makes the most of the wisdom of nature and the latest scientific discoveries. A properly nourished brain and the whole body build mental balance, and moreover, function efficiently and healthily and even enhance all-around development. A well-balanced diet, rich in fresh and healthy ingredients, provides a supply of organic components that benefit the body on a biological, energetic and psycho-emotional level.
Barley and Chlorella, also known as Green Food, are the products of the most wonderful process on Earth - photosynthesis, in which plants produce nutrients by binding solar radiation. Green Food is therefore the first product of solar energy harvesting by plants. It is the most natural food for human cells because it contains the ingredients necessary for life in the most appropriate proportions.
Chlorella and Young Barley Grass
As a reminder, what is Chlorella?
It is a single-celled freshwater alga. It is a purifier with a wide range of effects. Cultivated in a warm climate zone, in a pristine environment, it is the most abundant source of chlorophyll on the planet. It prevents anaemia, improves blood picture, accelerates wound healing, prevents inflammation, and detoxifies and nourishes the body at the same time. We should remember to drink plenty of water when we consume Chlorella so that the purification process goes more efficiently.
What is Young Barley Grass?
Due to its unique composition and the synergistic effect of the substances found in green barley, it helps in the prevention and treatment of various diseases. It provides energy and improves digestion, immunity, and physical and mental condition. It lowers the biological age of cells and supports regenerative processes in the body. Thus, the regular and long-lasting consumption of green barley juice is able to stimulate the digestive tract. It helps fight anaemia, lowers cholesterol and slows cellular ageing. On a mental level, it brings a full night's sleep, better concentration and improved memory.
Regular use of Green Food has the potential to put you on the path to self-awareness and personal development.
If you want to achieve optimum results for your health, it is worth taking both types of green food, i.e. Chlorella and Barley. If you eat both types of Green Food, you don't need to consume such large doses, and its effect will be multiplied (synergistic effect). However, if there is a serious illness it is advisable to increase the dosage, but always in consultation with a doctor and nutritionist.
While Chlorella cleanses the intestines, young Barley grass is better absorbed and works better. Barley accelerated tissue cleaning is then more pleasant thanks to Chlorella. As a result of algae's hard work, a large part of the released burdening substances leave the digestive tract, and the cleansing becomes less external. (e.g. the skin is less affected, with no rushes, spots etc.)
The topic of malnutrition is not clearly addressed these days. The food that we buy from the shops is far from natural. That is why it is worth raising the topic of malnutrition. Even though we see people overweight, that dined well in their understanding, their diet is really poor. The food they consume is downright rubbish as it lacks the vitamins, minerals and nutrients which would support the regular functioning of the body that is free from disease.
One of the basic requirements for life is the supply of essential nutrients to each, individual cell. The human body collects building materials and energy exclusively from meals. When there is an insufficient supply of nutrients, life processes become increasingly impaired: there is a lack of energy and building materials, which translates into a weakening of all repair and defence mechanisms, which may eventually lead to death.
Malnutrition is the non-intensional loss of body weight due to the intake of less protein and energy than required. The cause of malnutrition may be an inadequate supply or an increase in the need for protein and energy.
Early consequences of undernutrition can be fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, feeling cold, reduced vitality, shortened strength etc. But also reduced concentration and memory problems, lowered mood, irritability, reduced intellectual...The more serious complications of malnutrition can cause a reduction in organ mass and function (like heart, liver, kidneys, and muscles), increased risk of complications, decrease in immunity, weakened immune system, increased risk of infection, risk of endogenous infections (intestinal barrier, dermatophytes).
This is why it is so important to support the diet with valuable food such as Green Food in the form of Chlorella and Barley. It is a very practical way to enrich the daily diet. As we all know, in our hectic lifestyles we don't always have time to eat green vegetables such as broccoli and so on. I, therefore, encourage you to look for other practical solutions. I heartily recommend these two favourite greens, which I myself have been consuming for 10 years. It is very important to note the very good quality and purity of the products, which must be provided by the manufacturer.
If you would like to find out more about these two amazing products please do not hesitate to contact me:
* "Podstawy Leczenia Zywieniowego", Dr. N Farm Piotr Kaczmarczyk
* *Bialy Glod", Dr. N Farm Piotr Kaczmarczyk
* Biological activities of Chlorella pyrenoidosa and young barley with possible use in the prevention of civilization diseases, Kubatka P. et al., Prakt. lekárn., 2018; 8(1):45-49.
* Review of clinical and preclinical studies on the effects of Chlorella pyrenoidosa and young barley leaves on the body, Kubatka P. et al., Via pract., 2015, 12(5): 204–207.
* Molecular Mechanism of Functional Ingredients in Barley to Combat Human Chronic Diseases, Zeng Y., et al., Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2020 Mar 30; 2020:3836172.
* Detoxification of chlorella supplement on heterocyclic amines in Korean young adults, Lee I. et al., Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2015, 39(1), 441-446.
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